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Midpoint Trade Counter, Bradford
10 Retail Units of 1250 sq ft To Let


Midpoint Trade Park sets new standards in trade park/counter developments. Comprising of ten new build units, occupiers will enjoy modern, energy efficient, purpose built space presenting a smart and prestigious image. A flexible and realistic approach to lease terms and efficient management will however, ensure affordability and the right solution for businesses looking to establish their trade. Efficient use of space, high specification and, for pre-build occupiers, a degree of custom finishing means businesses can enjoy hassle free occupancy.


Midpoint Trade Park is ideally situated on the busy Dick Lane which acts as one of the main links between Leeds, Bradford and the Motorway network via the M606 and M62. Adjacent to the successful Midpoint Business and Leisure development and busy A647 Leeds Road, occupiers will enjoy a steady flow of passing traffic. The immediate area is densely populated with residential houses and retail outlets.

Brand new units at an established location with huge passing traffic available on flexible lease terms

Aeral CGI
Siteplan Map


The Tramsheds, Bradford
Find out more about our landmark development.

2-4 Station Road, Doncaster, DN7 5QA
Find out more about our landmark development.