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Sale Leaseback

Unlock the cash tied up in your property by become a partner

Its difficult in the current climate to raise funds, with lenders increasingly placing more and more restrictions on who they will lend to, how much they will lend and for what reason.

This can limit a company’s ability to grow and expand. Sale and Leaseback enables a business to sell their property releasing equity which can be reinvested back in to the businesses.

The Benefits include:

  1. Help finance expansion of the existing business.
  2. Purchase new plant equipment.
  3. Invest in new business opportunities.
  4. Reduce debt and improve the company's balance sheet.

There are also tax advantages:

  1. 100% of rental payments can be off set against tax liabilities.
  2. Tax liability caused by the appreciation in value (land only) of corporate real estate assets no longer applies

All this can be achieved without the need of a business plan, having to wait for approval from your banks credit department or justifying why you need to raise the funds. Without doubt sale and lease back can be the best solution to many firms.

How will it work?

A competitive price is agreed for the property as is the amount of rent to be paid and the length of occupancy. This along with your unique requirements is drawn in to a lease which ensures all your interests are protected and you have full security. As well as this, we will agree to sell the site back to you should you wish to purchase it at later date. This is available for single or multiple sites regardless of your business sector.

Contact us for a friendly conversation on 0845 539 997

Previous Developments

To find out more about our partnership opportunities please contact us


The Tramsheds, Bradford
Find out more about our landmark development.

2-4 Station Road, Doncaster, DN7 5QA
Find out more about our landmark development.